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MAZAL CARPET SOLUTIONS: Deep Cleaning, Odor Removed, Upholstery & Pet Friendly Services. 800-336-1214 ...
SETSS and Math High School free for eligible students
High Shool Math and SETSS (Special Education Teacher Support.) This service is free for eligible students. After scchool only. 347-733-3549,
1031 E.32 St: New Listing! Det 4 BR,
1031 E.32 St: New Listing! Det 4 BR, 2.5 bath, MIC, fin bsmnt, guest house (2 BR, 1 bath), pvt drive. $1.699M. Call Chavie @ Augenbau...
RARE CHAZZAN MOSHE KOUSSEVITZKY memorabilia. Call 718-213-9046 ...
MILL BASIN Owner wants offers now! Det colonial 5-6 BR, huge open concept. Tremen dous fin bsmt, 50x100 mint cond. ELITE HOME SALES718...
Kings Hwy & E.32 St: 2 fam brk. 2 BRs
Kings Hwy & E.32 St: 2 fam brk. 2 BRs each apt. Pvt parking/garage. Great for user/investor or 1031 exchange. Only $999K. Call or text...
1258 E.29 St: 30x100 det, pvt drive.
1258 E.29 St: 30x100 det, pvt drive. 4 flrs of endless potential, grt space, approved plans. Call Chavie @ Augenbaum Realty 917-573-6921...
Nostrand/R & S: Mod 1 BR, renov EIK.
Nostrand/R & S: Mod 1 BR, renov EIK. elev bldg. W/D in bldg. Heat/gas incl. Board approval. $2,300. 917-445-8580 ...
FOR SALE: Silver Cross Wave 2
FOR SALE: Silver Cross Wave 2 Lunar carriage, including bassinet. Excellent condition. Charcoal gray. Asking $750. Call 347-673-3725 ...
PRIME HOME IMPROVEMENT Remodeling/Fix All. *Electical *Doors *Molding *Plumbing *Bathrooms *Windows. No job too small. Chaim 917-7...
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